Welcome to Boarding
- Boarding
- Welcome to Boarding

Thank you for your interest in boarding at Leweston. We offer modern and family-friendly boarding for boys and girls from age 8 to 18 across our four boarding houses: Martha, Cecilia, Eleanor and Antony.
Leweston has welcomed boarders since the school’s foundation in 1891 and boarding is an integral part of life in the school. Unlike many other schools Leweston’s boarding houses are found in the main building occupying different wings of the Manor House as well as subsequent developments. This creates a home from home atmosphere where academic, daily life happens ‘downstairs’ and boarding, family life ‘upstairs’.
This model also ensures that day and boarding pupils are fully integrated as they spend whole school day together. These strong friendships are reflected in the number of day pupils who join the busy after-school clubs and are welcomed to events in the weekend activity programme.
Whilst Years 11 to 13 have study bedrooms, younger boarders complete their evening homework in the beautiful Pensabene Libarary in a supervised ‘prep’ session. This ensures that the Houses remain a relaxed, fun environment away from some of the pressures of academic life.
Our Housemasters and Housemistresses are supported by a team of Assistant Houseparents and GAP Assistants as well as our Florins, academic members of staff who spend one night per week in the boarding houses. The Headmaster, Mr Paget-Tomlinson, also lives onsite and regularly joins the boarders in the evenings and supervises boarders’ prep. Our tight knit boarding family means that pupils and staff know each other well and there is a strong, supportive atmosphere.
Our boarders repeatedly tell us how much they enjoy their time here and they forge life long friendships in the Houses which we see time and again when they return to visit.
We would be delighted to welcome you for a visit and to talk more about which of our flexible boarding options could be right for your family.
Mrs Simkins-Smith, Director of Boarding
BA (Hons) Reading
Why Boarding?
There are many reasons why families choose boarding but here a just a few advantages that boarding can bring:
Excellent Results
Boarders can study in the evenings without the distractions of home and have access to the academic boarding tutors, or Florins, in the evenings. Analysis by the Boarding Schools Association shows that 90% of boarders proceed to their university of choice.

Confidence and Independence
Boarders gain in self-confidence and learn to cope for themselves in a community of peers. For Sixth Formers boarding can offer the opportunity to experience independent living before plunging into the world of university.

Boarding helps pupils take their first steps towards maturity. Boarders learn to be responsible for their actions and understand how they may impact on those around them. They learn to be considerate and to respect the differences in those living around them.

For busy families flexi and weekly boarding can assist family life. With the children looked after at school in the week and no Saturday school, they can come home on Friday with their work done for quality family time through to Sunday night or Monday morning. Though counterintuitive, many boarders say they grow closer to their parents as a result.

Pupils living in rural communities with limited public transport can be isolated from their school friends when they go home. Boarders have a ready-made group of same-age friends with which to share interests and activities. Boarding brings with it social interactions and the friendships formed in the boarding houses are often life-long.

Extra-Curricular Activities
Boarders can access the full range of after-school and weekend activities and, as a result, develop more of their potential. With almost constant access to the school’s facilities and staff and no daily commute, their days are longer and experience often broader.