Health and Well-Being
We recognise that a child's physical and mental health has a considerable impact on both their academic performance and enjoyment of school. For this reason overseeing the health and wellbeing of our pupils is at the core of what we do as a school.

- Prep
- Pastoral Care
- Health and Well-Being
Settling In
All new pupils are cared for by a Guardian Angel on both their Taster Day and for the first couple of weeks in school. As part of the Prep 6 prefect roles, they also care for new arrivals and do their very best to make sure they are looked after at playtimes and lunchtime. We have a ‘Buddy Bench’ where anyone can sit if they would like someone to play with or just chat to. Older pupils understand that they are role models for younger pupils and they relish this responsibility. The pupils are proud of their school they are keen to contribute, prefects and form captains take their responsibilities very seriously.
The Golden Rules
The School’s Golden Rules form the backbone of our behavioural code and ensure that everyone knows the difference between right and wrong. We expect the standard of behaviour to be excellent. They help pupils to make positive behaviour choices maintain the well-being of the whole community. At Leweston Prep we listen to people, we are honest, we are gentle, we are kind and helpful, we work hard and we look after property.
An Open Door
Pupils know they can turn to staff with any issues or concerns. Appropriate measures are in place to ensure the welfare, well-being, health and safety of all. Staff know pupils extremely well and pastoral needs are effectively monitored and supported by the strong structure that underpins daily routines. Parents are also welcome to make regular contact with their form tutors and to talk through any issues in detail. The Parents Association of Leweston School (PALS) also host regular parents’ coffee mornings providing an opportunity to mix with other parents and get involved in the active their events throughout the year.
The Well-Being Hub
The school has its own Well Being Hub staffed by two highly experienced nurses and local doctors from the Apples Surgery in Sherborne hold clinics at the school every week for boarders, students can choose to see a male or female doctor. As well as caring for sick or injured students, the school nurses are there to encourage pupils to take responsibility for their health as well as to be a listening ear. The Well Being Hub is also home to Mrs Megahey, the fully qualified School Counsellor, who is available every week via either a walk-in clinic or for pre-booked appointments. We also have a family councillor who is available to come into school and work with families in need of support.
Mental Health First Aid
Pupil well being and mental health has become an ever-growing area of discussion. We have a fully qualified ‘Mental Health First Aider’ in the Prep School, and all staff members have been trained to identify the signs and symptoms of mental health concerns as well as how to help. Pupils are taught how to look after their own mental health and the importance of keeping both bodies and minds healthy. Our Mental Health First Aider offers weekly appointments to those who need additional support, and coaches staff working with specific pupils. Children can work through their anxieties in their sessions, and are taught self-help strategies which will support them for a life time.
Pastoral Lead
Leweston Prep has a designated Pastoral Lead in Mrs Dycer who coordinates and supports staff and pupils in all pastoral matters.