Years 7 and 8
Leweston delivers a broad and flexible curriculum that ensures balanced, appropriate and interesting learning opportunities for every pupil. Our lessons are engaging and challenging, encouraging the development of intellectual curiosity and a love of learning.

Each Head of Department leads a team of experienced teachers who are focused on enabling every pupil to achieve the best possible academic success. Lessons are 60 minutes in length and arranged in a two-week timetable cycle to provide flexible subject choice.
There is a strong emphasis on working hard, striving for excellence and independent learning; however, we believe that happy pupils are motivated pupils. Pupils are encouraged to take up all the opportunities that come to them because learning takes place as much outside the classroom as within it.
Year 7 and 8 pupils follow a wide-ranging curriculum including: English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Computer Science, French, Spanish, Art and Design, Latin, Music, Home Economics, Drama, PE and PHSE. While traditional in the rigour and range of subjects and teaching, the curriculum is considered, developed and changed to maintain its relevancy and challenge.
Pupils are taught in three different groups: one for Science and Maths, one for Humanities and one for the remaining subjects. This enables them to mix with different people throughout the day. The Maths group is streamed.
"The teaching staff set high expectations and challenge pupils whatever their level. "
Current Parent