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A Level Results and Destinations

Leweston has an excellent academic record with students achieving some of the best Sixth Form results in the region. Every year our students win places at the UK’s top universities but what is most important to us is that all students find a pathway that fits with their ambitions and aspirations. The range of courses and destinations chosen over the last five years reflects this.

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In 2023 Leweston students celebrated the school's best A Level results for nearly a decade. Half of all grades were A* or A, twice the national average and, whilst the proportion of top grades in England was about 1% higher than 2019, Leweston’s were substantially higher than the last set of pre-COVID results at the school.  

In 2024, Leweston students, once again, celebrated an excellent set of results. Well over a third gained at least one A* or A grade and seven pupils received a very impressive 12 A*s and 8 As between them. Amongst this cohort were Eleanor with 4 A*s, Charlie with 2 A*s and 2 As, and Serena and Millie who both achieved 2 A*s and an A. Once again, the students undertaking the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) achieved fantastic results with 75% A* to A grades. The Creative Arts have had an outstanding set of A Level results, across Music, Drama, Fine Art, Textiles and Photography Leweston pupils gained 12 A* and A grades and 92% of all results were A* to B.

Additionally, we were thrilled to see an increase in applications for vocational courses like Criminology with Policing, Sports Coaching, Games Technology, Agricultural Business Management, and Consumer Behaviour and Marketing. One student will even be attending Norland College to study Early Childhood Education and Care. 

University Courses 2016 - 2024

Most popular course 'families' 2015 - 2024

Science, Maths and Engineering

Adult Nursing, Analytical Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Biomedical Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Forensic Science, Child Nursing, Computer Science with Intelligent Systems, Computer Science, Cyber Security and Computer Forensics, Dietetics, Economics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Equestrian Sport Science, Exercise and Sports Science, Food Science and Nutrition, Games Technology, General Engineering, Geology, Integrated Wildlife Conservation, Mathematics, Mathematics with Statistics, Mathematics with Finance, Mathematics with Applied Maths and Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Medicine, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics, Pharmacy, Physics with Astrophysics, Sports Coaching, Sports Performance, Sports Rehabilitation, Veterinary Science, Zoology

Modern Foreign Languages

Chinese and German, French and Spanish, German Studies, Management and Spanish, Modern Languages, Modern Languages and Music, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, Spanish

Humanities and Social Science

Anthropology, Archaeology, Arts and Humanities, Ancient History, Classics, Classical Civilisation, Criminology/Policing, Early Years Development and Learning, Early Childhood Education and Care, English, English and Creative Writing, Flexible Combined Honours, History, History of Art, Human Geography, Philosophy, Philosophy and Ethics, PPE, Psychology, Psychology and Language Sciences, Psychology and Sociology, Religion and Theology, Sociology, Sociology and Criminology, Theology

The Arts

Acting, Arts and Sciences, Art History and Visual History with Modern Languages, Acting and Performance, Animation, Architecture, Art Foundation, Computer Animation Art and Design, Commercial Photography, Design for Performance, Drama, Fashion Design and Development, Fashion Image and Styling, Fine Art, Film Studies, Graphic Design, Graphic Communication and Illustration, Interior Architecture with Foundation, Liberal Arts, Make Up for Media and Performance, Media Communications, Media Studies, Music, Music and Musicology, Product Design, Product Design Technology, Textile Design for Fashion and Interiors

Business, Finance and Management 

Accounting and Finance, Agriculture with Farm Business Management, Building Surveying, Business, Consumer Behaviour and Marketing, Management, Economics and Law, Business Administration, Economics and Finance, Business and Management, Fashion Business and Buying, Fashion Marketing, International Hospitality Management, International Management, International Relations, International Equine and Agricultural Management, Law, Real Estate Management, Rural Land Management

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University Destinations 2015-2024

Results and Destinations Flyer 2023-2