Term Dates
Term dates for the current and upcoming academic year are available below. Please note that exeats are voluntary and full boarders may stay in school for the weekend if they do not wish to go home or to their guardians.

- Useful Information
- Term Dates
Autumn Term 2024 | |
New Pupils’ Day and Travelling Day | Monday 2 September |
Start of Term | Tuesday 3 September |
Exeat (from 16.20)* | Friday 20 to Sunday 22 September |
Half Term (from 16.20) | Friday 18 October to Sunday 3 November |
Exeat (from 16.20)* | Friday 22 to Sunday 24 November |
End of Term (following Carol Service) | Thursday 12 December |
International Travelling Day | Friday 13 December |
*Exeats are voluntary and full boarders may stay in school for the weekend if they do not wish to go home or to their guardians.
Spring Term 2025 | |
Travelling Day | Sunday 5 January |
Start of Term | Monday 6 January |
Exeat (from 16.20)* | Friday 24 to Sunday 26 January |
Half Term (from 16.20) | Friday 14 to Sunday 23 February |
Exeat (from 16.20)* | Friday 14 to Sunday 16 March |
End of Term | Friday 28 March |
International Travelling Day | Saturday 29 March |
*Exeats are voluntary and full boarders may stay in school for the weekend if they do not wish to go home or to their guardians.
Summer Term 2025 | |
Travelling Day | Tuesday 22 April |
Start of Term | Wednesday 23 April |
Exeat (from 16.20)* | Friday 2 to Sunday 4 May |
Bank Holiday (School Closed) | Monday 5 May |
Half Term (from 16.20) | Friday 23 May to Sunday 1 June |
End of Term | Friday 4 July |
International Travelling Day | Saturday 5 July |
*Exeats are voluntary and full boarders may stay in school for the weekend if they do not wish to go home or to their guardians.
Autumn Term 2025 | |
Whole School Inset | Friday 29 August |
Academic Staff Inset | Monday 1 September |
Boarders Return | Tuesday 2 September |
New Pupils’ Day | Wednesday 3 September |
Start of Term | Thursday 4 September |
Exeat (from 16.20)* | Friday 26 to Sunday 28 September |
Half Term (from 16.20) | Friday 17 October to Sunday 2 November |
Exeat (from 16.20)* | Friday 21 to Sunday 23 November |
End of Term (following Carol Service) | Thursday 11 December |
International Travelling Day | Friday 12 December |
*Exeats are voluntary and full boarders may stay in school for the weekend if they do not wish to go home or to their guardians.
Spring Term 2026 | |
Academic Staff Inset | Friday 2 January |
Boarders Return | Sunday 4 January |
Start of Term | Monday 5 January |
Exeat (from 16.20)* | Friday 23 to Sunday 25 January |
Half Term (from 16.20) | Friday 13 to Sunday 22 February |
Exeat (from 16.20)* | Friday 13 to Sunday 15 March |
End of Term | Friday 27 March |
International Travelling Day | Saturday 28 March |
*Exeats are voluntary and full boarders may stay in school for the weekend if they do not wish to go home or to their guardians.
Summer Term 2026 | |
Academic Staff Inset | Monday 20 April |
Boarders Return | Monday 20 April |
Start of Term | Tuesday 21 April |
Exeat (from 16.20)* | Friday 1 to Sunday 3 May |
Bank Holiday (School Closed) | Monday 4 May |
Half Term (from 16.20) | Friday 22 to Sunday 31 May |
End of Term | Friday 3 July |
International Travelling Day | Saturday 4 July |
*Exeats are voluntary and full boarders may stay in school for the weekend if they do not wish to go home or to their guardians.