Wrap Around Care
Leweston understands the challenges that a busy modern life brings. Both the Prep and Senior Schools offer free wrap around care from 8.00am to 5.45pm with additional breakfast and supper clubs that can extend the day even further for a small charge.

- Prep
- Pastoral Care
- Wrap Around Care
"Leweston offers practical solutions for full time working parents, in particular, wrap around care and lots of extra-curricular activities."
Current Parent

Breakfast Club
Breakfast club is available from 7.30am and is booked in advance via the Parent Portal. Pupils from Reception to Prep 3 are dropped off at the Nursery where they are given their breakfast and looked after until the start of school. Pupils in Prep 4 and above join the boarders and boarding staff for breakfast in the Dining Hall. The club costs £4.50 per day. Pupils are then escorted to registration at 8.00am by a member of staff .

After-School Activities and Homework Club
After-school care runs from 4.30pm until 5.45pm. Pupils are provided with a savoury snack before moving on activities or homework club. The optional activities list is shared on a termly basis so children can choose their own programme and parents can pre-book via the Parent Portal. Those pupils not participating in an activity can join the Pre-Prep after school club or do their homework, depending on their age. The school minibuses depart at 5.45 pm Monday to Thursday and 4.30pm on Friday.

Supper Club
In the evenings pupils can stay past 5.45pm by joining the younger boarders in their activities before supper at 6.30pm. There is a charge of £7.00 to cover the meal and supervision which can be paid via the Parent Portal.