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    Senior Leadership Team

    Mr John Paget-Tomlinson


    Mr Richard Thompson

    Head of Prep

    Mr Stuart Whittle

    Deputy Head (Academic)/Biology

    Mr Oliver McManus

    Deputy Head (Pastoral)/English/DSL

    Mrs Elizabeth Winter

    Prep Deputy Head/DDSL

    Miss Claire Worsley

    Director of Business Strategy and Operations

    Mrs Beth Simkins-Smith

    Director of Boarding

    Mrs Anna Dencher

    Head of Geography/Director of Teaching and Learning

    Mrs Donna Kirk

    Head of Finance


    Scroll to explore department staff

    Prep School Staff

    Head of Prep: Mr R Thompson

    Prep Deputy Head/Prep DDSL: Mrs E Winter, BA (Hons) Warwick, PGCE Bath Spa

    PA to the Head of Prep/School Secretary: Mrs L Gillett

    Prep DDSL, Nursery Supervisor: Mrs B Toop

    Reception Teacher and Early Years Co-ordinator: Miss P Crane, BA (Hons) and QTS

    Reception Teaching Assistant: Mrs S Bourne,

    Reception Teaching Assistant: Mrs C Walder, BA (Hons) Plymouth

    Prep 1 Teacher: Miss E Roach

    Prep 1 Teaching Assistant: Mrs C Walder, BA (Hons) Plymouth

    Prep 2 Teacher: Mrs A Warren, BA (Hons), PGCE Winchester

    Prep 2 Teacher: Mrs E Winter, BA (Hons) Warwick, PGCE Bath Spa

    Prep 2 Teaching Assistant: Miss J Day, BSc Hons

    Prep 3 Teacher: Mrs S Weale 

    Prep 4 Teacher: Mrs A Littlewood, BA (Hons) Exeter, PGSE Reading

    Prep 4 Teacher: Mrs T Bowditch, BA (Hons), PGCE West of England 

    Prep 4/5 Teacher: Mrs H Wallace BA (Hons) PGCE Winchester

    Prep 5 Teacher: Mrs J Dycer, BA (Hons) Portsmouth, PGCE Bath Spa

    Prep 5 Teacher: Mr M McCloskey, BA (Hons) Winchester

    Prep 5 Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Mrs N Hancock, BA (Hons) Southampton, PGCE UWE

    Prep 6 Teacher: Mr D Hutchings, BA (Hons) East Anglia, PGCE Gloucester

    Prep 6 Teacher: Mr M Tanner, BA (Hons) Portsmouth, MRes Southampton, PGCE Kingston 

    Prep 6 Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Mrs K Ellery

    Prep Teacher: Mr P Horne, BEd (Hons) St Mark and St Johns Plymouth

    After School Care Co-Ordinator: Ms J Best 

    Prep Teaching Assistant: Mrs K Hughes

    Prep SENCo: Mrs L Sunderland, BA (Hons) Sussex, QTS, Teaching Dyslexia and SpLD Dip.

    Head of Prep Music and Performing Arts: Mrs S Betley, ABRSM, CT ABRSM, PGCSE St Luke’s College of Education, GTCL, FTCL Clarinet, ALCM Piano,

    Physical Education/Head of Prep P.E, Games and Activities: Mrs S Smith, BA (Hons) Chichester, QTS (Maternity leave) 

    Physical Education/Head of Prep P.E, Games and Activities: Mr C Stonar, (Maternity Cover)

    Head of Swimming and Pentathlon: Mr M Flaherty, NVQ Management Level 4

    Swimming Pool Manager: Ms A Parnell

    Director of Leweston Chedington Riding Academy: Mrs L Roberts

    Heads of Year

    Year 7: Mr T Enticknap, Bsc (Hons) 

    Year 8: Mrs L Bruller, BA (Hons) Bournemouth, Cert. Ed. Bath

    Dr R Milestone, MMus, BA (Hons) Wales, PhD Leeds, LRSM

    Year 9: Mr F Wilford, BSc Sheffield Hallam, PGCE Southampton

    Year 10: Mrs L Newnham, B.Sc. Hons, PGCE 

    Mr J Purchase, BA (Hons), PGCE

    Year 11: Dr N Greenway, BSc Exeter, PhD Exeter, PGCE Bristol

    Sixth Form: Mr M Ryan-East, BA (Hons) Plymouth, PGCE Soton, MSt Cantab

    Art, Design and Technology

    Head of Art and Design: Ms J Lacey, BA (Hons) Winchester School of Art, PGCSE Buckingham

    Art and Design: Ms A Wright, MA Royal Academy of Art

    Art and Design: Miss L Robinson, QTS, BA (Hons) Glamorgan

    Art and Design: Mrs A Chillingworth

    Technician: Mr G Lewis

    Technician: Mrs C Miller




    Director of Boarding/Deputy DSL: Mrs B Simkins-Smith, BA (Hons) Reading

    Housemaster: Mr J Purchase, BA (Hons) Manchester, PGCE Buckingham

    Housemistress: Miss L Robinson, QTS, BA (Hons) Glamorgan 

    Assistant Housemistress: Miss J Bailey 

    House Tutor: Miss C Vickery

    GAP Assistant: Miss S Baker

    GAP Assistant: Miss E Roberts

    GAP Assistant: Mr K Dixon


    Business and Economic Studies

    Head of Business and Economics: Mrs R Day, BSc (Hons) MORSE Warwick, PGCE Thames, Dip OU.

    Teacher of Economics and Business Studies/Head of Year 7/Chaplaincy Coordinator: Mrs L Bruller, BA (Hons) Bournemouth, Cert. Ed. Bath


    Classics (Latin): Miss J Howlett, BA University of Oxford, PGCE Sussex 

    Greek: Mr M. Burton- Brown, TD, MA Oxon

    Computer Science (ICT)

    Mr N Stephens, BSC Portsmouth, PGCE King Alfreds College, Winchester

    English and Drama

    Head of English: Mrs S Evans, BA (Hons) University of Sheffield, PGCE University of London

    English/Deputy Head (Pastoral)/DSL: Mr O McManus, BA (Hons) Nottingham Trent, PGCE Bath

    English/Head of Sixth Form/Centre Coordinator for EPQ: Mr M Ryan-East, BA (Hons) Plymouth, PGCE Soton, MSt Cantab

    Drama and English: Miss A McIntosh, BA (Hons), PGSE Exeter

    English: Mrs C Richards

    English: Mr C Thomas

    Speech and Drama: Mrs K Pankhurst, HND Theatre and Performing Arts, PGCE


    English as an Additional Language

    Director of International Students: Mrs Kelly-Quick, BSc Worcester, PGCE UCL, CELTA Cambridge,

    Food and Nutrition

    Teacher of Food and Nutrition: Mrs C Archer 

    Technician: Mrs C Monaghan


    Head of Geography/Director of Teaching and Learning: Mrs A Dencher, BA, MA, PGCE Cantab.

    Geography/PSHRE Co-ordinator/Deputy DSL: Ms S Lilly, MA (Hons) Aberdeen, PGCE MSc Southampton

    Geography: Mrs E Haynes, BSc Southampton, PGCE London


    Head of History: Mr M Hayward, BA (Hons) Oxon

    History Teacher: Mr D Teague, BA (Hons) Sheffield, PGCE Plymouth


    Head of Mathematics/Head of Year 10: Mrs L Newnham, BSc Bristol, PGCE Oxford Brookes

    Mathematics: Mr A Okai, MSc, PGCE Portsmouth

    Mathematics: Mr M Miller, BED in of Educational Management, University of South Africa

    Mathematics: Mr T Enticknap, Bsc (Hons)

    Mathematics: Mrs R Day, BSc (Hons) MORSE Warwick, PGCE Thames, Dip OU.

    Modern Languages

    Head of Modern Languages: Mrs L Thompson, BA (Hons), PGCE

    German: Mrs L Vandyck, BA (Hons) Ealing

    MFL Teacher/Head of Year 10: Mr J Purchase, BA (Hons) Manchester, PGCE University of Buckingham

    MFL Teacher: Mrs J Mortarotti 


    Director of Music (Head of Year 8): Dr R Milestone, MMus, BA (Hons) Wales, PhD Leeds, LRSM

    Music: Mr B Robinson 

    Music: Mrs M Howard 

    Vocal: Mr J Pugsley

    Brass: Miss A Wilmshurst

    Guitar: Mr A Chester

    Classical/Guitar: Mrs V Hartzell

    Percussion: Mr P Huddleston

    Flute: Mrs L Preston

    Violin: Miss L Allen

    Pianoforte: Mrs R Dudley-Smith

    Pianoforte and Clarinet: Mrs M Riquelme-Toomey

    Violin and Cello: Mr A Serna Acero

    Pianoforte/Clarinet: Mrs A Slogrove, BA Hons, LRSM, PGCE

    Harp: Ms N Rogers BA (Hons), PGCE

    Recorder: Ms A Whittlesea

    Oboe: Mrs A Gosney

    Saxophone: Mr A Mitchell, PGCE Sunderland

    Organ and Piano: Mr P Cheater, BA ACP FNCM Cert Ed

    Peri: Miss H Sawle BMus, Master of Music

    Personalised Learning

    Head of Individual Needs: Mrs K Davis, BA (Hons), PGCE Oxford

    Teacher of Individual Needs: Mrs M Buckland BA Hons Bournemouth, PGCE Exeter

    Teacher of SEN: Mrs R Slater, BA (Hons), PGCE


    Psychology: Mr G Smith 

    Physical Education

    Head of Sport and Physical Activity: Mr S Manning, BA (Hons) PGCE Exeter

    Physical Education: Mrs S Guy, BA (Hons) Keele, PGCE Hull

    Physical Education: Mr A Slater, BA Auckland University

    Head of Swimming and Pentathlon: Mr M Flaherty, NVQ Management Level 4

    Physical Education: Mr D Barlow, BSc (Hons) Nottingham, MSc London, PGCE Birmingham

    Physical Education/Head of Year 9: Mr F Wilford, BSc Sheffield Hallam, PGCE Southampton

    Physical Education/Head of Prep P.E, Games and Activities: Mrs S Smith, BA (Hons) Chichester, QTS  (maternity leave)
    Mr C Stonier (Maternity Cover)

    Physical Education/Sports Studies: Miss C Vickery 

    BTEC Equine Management: Mrs S Underwood 

    Swimming Pool Manager: Ms A Parnell

    Tennis: Mr M Long, LTA Coach

    Tennis: Mr T Prideaux-Brun

    Religious Studies

    Head of Religious Studies/Health and Social Care: Mrs E Littlechild, BA (Hons) York, PGCE Twickenham

    Religious Studies: Ms C O’Toole, BA (Hons) London, PGCE, Catholic TCert Liverpool

    Religious Studies/Health and Social Care: Mrs A Griffiths, BD London, PGCE Exeter


    Head of Biology: Mrs R Dawson, BSc (Hons) Bristol, PGCE Cambridge

    Head of Chemistry: Dr R Whale, BSc, PhD Birmingham, PGCE Exeter, CChem, MRSC

    Head of Science/Chemistry: Cllr N Hudson, MEd (reading), BSc (Hons), PGCSE Bath Spa

    Chemistry: Mr P Linsdell 

    Biology/Deputy Head(Academic): Mr S Whittle, BSc (Hons) Birmingham

    Biology: Dr N Greenway, BSc Exeter, PhD Exeter, PGCE Bristol

    Physics: Mrs A Valentine, BSc (Hons) Swansea, PGCE London

    Physics: Mr R Nejako, BSc Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, PGCSE University of Buckingham

    Science Teacher: Mrs K Le Poidevin, BSc (Hons) Aberbeen, PGCE Sussex, PGCPSE (Open), PGDPSE (Open) 

    Science Teacher: Mrs S Stosiek

    Laboratory Technician: Dr J Philpott

    Laboratory Technician: Dr R MacMillan

    Support Staff

    Director of Business Strategy and Operations: Miss C Worsley, MA Oxon, PG Dip

    Operations Manager: Mrs H Booth 

    Executive Assistant to the Head: Mrs N Goodfellow

    PA to the Head of Prep/Prep School Secretary: Mrs L Gillett

    School Secretary: Mrs C Adams

    Senior School Reception: Mrs R Scott

    Head of Finance: Mrs D Kirk, ACMA, CGMA 

    Accounts Manager: Mrs K Edmunds 

    School Accountant: Ms J Webster 

    PA to the Director of Business Strategy and Operations: Mrs S Hamnett BSc Hons, Cert SpLD

    Registrar: Mrs J Smith, BA (Hons) OU

    Registrar – Prep & Nursery: Mrs A Wilson

    Marketing and Communications Officer: Mrs C Frecknall, BA (Hons) Plymouth

    Events Administrative Support Assistant: Mrs S Hull

    Careers Advisor: Mrs S Hutton, BA (Hons), Further Education and Adult Teaching Certificate C&G 730/7

    IT Manager: Mr C MacIntyre, FdA, BA (Hons) Cumbria

    Senior IT Technician: Mr M Notley,

    HR: Mrs N Harrison  

    Lead School Nurse/Deputy DSL: Mrs C Cole, RGN, RHV

    School Nurse: Mrs R Lale, RGN

    Outdoor Education Coordinator: Mr M Caspers 

    School Counsellor: Mrs K Megahey, BSc (Hons) Nottingham, Cert. Ed Cambridge, MBACP (Accred)

    Chaplaincy Co-ordinator: Mrs L Bruller, BA (Hons) Bournemouth, Cert. Ed. Bath

    Estates Manager: Mr P Van Koutrik

    Transport Manager: Mr K Smith

    Exams and Assessments Officer: Mrs S Clark 

    Swimming Pool Assistant: Mr A Griffiths

    Director of Riding Academy: Mrs L Roberts

    Senior Yard Manager: Mr K Higson 


    Nursery DSL, Nursery Supervisor: Mrs B Toop

    Younger Babies Room Lead/Forest School Co-Ordinator: Miss K Hallett

    Older Babies Room Lead: Mrs E Mogridge

    Toddler Room Lead: Miss L Jackman

    TC1 Room Lead: Mrs C Green 

    Senior Early Years Practitioner: Miss L Hillier 

    TC2 Room Lead: Mrs S Wrixon

    Early Years Practitioner: Mrs A Thomas

    Early Years Practitioner: Mrs C Beale

    Early Years Practitioner: Mrs H Sansom-Priddle

    Early Years Practitioner: Mrs J Herbert

    Early Years Practitioner: Mrs S Milligan

    Early Years Practitioner: Mrs M Cook

    Early Years Practitioner: Miss J Taylor - Peter

    Early Years Practitioner: Mrs K Pereira

    Nursery Bank Staff: Miss L Poulter