Curriculum and Courses
- International Students
- Curriculum and Courses
Leweston broadly follows the national curriculum, with all lessons in English and subjects that lead up to GCSEs and A Levels. Leweston delivers a broad and flexible curriculum that ensures balanced, appropriate and interesting learning opportunities for every pupil. There is a strong emphasis on independence and learning skills.
GCSE courses are normally taught over two years and examined at the end of Year 11. Pupils study 10 subjects. Six are compulsory: English Literature and Language, one Modern Foreign Language or English as an Additional Language, Mathematics, Religious Studies and either Combined Science (2 GCSEs) or three separate single sciences. In addition, pupils choose up to three individual options from the remaining subjects.
Leweston offers two different Sixth Form qualifications: A Levels and BTECs. Most students take three subjects, some may take four but this is usually when combining Mathematics and Further Mathematics.
At both GCSE and Sixth Form the timetable is built to accommodate as many choices as possible. Students are not expected to select from prescribed blocks; however, a subject may not run due to insufficient interest. Applications made after the timetable is agreed in March may be subject to limited choices.

English as an Additional Language
Leweston provides EAL lessons as part of the curriculum. Students use them to assist progress in their subjects as well as undertake internationally recognised examinations.

Short Stays
Leweston offers a flexible range of options for international students to join. As well as those studying long-term students can come for anything between half a term to a full year.

Pre-A Level Course
This is a one year bespoke course for international students interested in studying in the UK, immersing themselves in British culture and gaining the skills to progress to a top university.

Download our International Admissions Guide
For more information about being an international student at Leweston.

International Leavers' Destinations
Find out what and where our international students have gone on to study after leaving Leweston.