Peer Support
A key part of Leweston's pastoral provision is peer support. There a range of in-school initiatives that allow older pupils to support the younger. This approach not only builds a strong sense of community and shared it experience helps to develop both the pupils receiving the support and pupils working with them.

- Prep
- Pastoral Care
- Peer Support
Leadership Roles
Pupils in Prep 6 are invited to apply for a range of positions including House Captains, Librarians, Sports, Charities and Eco Monitors and a Junior Sacristan. They hold their position for a year and work with members of staff to deliver a range of initiatives chosen by them.
Prep Buddies
The 'Prep Buddies' programme pairs pupils in Prep 6 with Pre-Prep children and new starters, allowing them to spend time together on a weekly basis.
The buddies focus on reading activities and academic guidance. Prep 6 pupils act as mentors, guiding their 'buddies' with their studies and helping them improve their reading skills. They listen to the younger children read and make notes in their Reading Records about what they have heard and helped with. This not only enhances the academic growth of the Pre-Prep children but also fosters a strong bond between the older and younger pupils.
Peer Mediators
Pupils in Prep 6 are invited to apply for the role as 'Peer Mediator'. These pupils are trained through a special programme designed for Year 6 pupils to support peer reconciliation, reflection and friendship issues.
School Council
The Prep School Council meets once each half of term. Each class from Reception to Prep 6 has a representative who gathers class suggestions and takes them to the meeting. Suggestions for school improvements are taken to the Headmaster but occasionally the meeting collects questions which can put to the school Governors.

Leweston Prep Buddy Programme: The Power of Peer Mentoring
Discover the transformative impact of peer to peer mentoring at Leweston Prep; where Prep 6 students guide and support their Pre-Prep peers, fostering bonds and enhancing academic and personal growth.