Health and Well-Being
We recognise that a pupil's physical and mental health has a considerable impact on both their academic performance and enjoyment of school. For this reason overseeing the health and wellbeing of our students is at the core of what we do as a school.

- Senior
- Pastoral Care
- Health and Well-Being

There are plenty of places around the school for students to go to when in need of a safe space and every member of staff is ready to listen, empathise, advise and mentor. The tutor teams for each year group regularly monitor their pupils’ emotional needs as well as their academic progress, and because we know our students so well, we are able to intervene quickly if and when needed.
The Well-Being Hub
The school has its own Well-Being Hub (Health Centre). The Hub is staffed by two highly experienced nurses and local doctors from the Apples Surgery in Sherborne hold clinics at the school every week for boarders, students can choose to see a male or female doctor. As well as caring for sick or injured students, the school nurses are there to encourage pupils to take responsibility for their health as well as to be a listening ear. All pupils have access to Mrs Megahey, the School Counsellor, who is available every week via either a walk-in clinic in the Hub or for pre-booked appointments.
The Well-Being Hub Online
Leweston is proud to be member of Teen Tips' Well-Being Hub which provides a trusted source of support for parents, pupils and staff. The online platform provides webinars, workshops and advice on a wide range of social, emotional and academic issues facing young people. All pupils and their parents have access via the school's membership.

Pastoral Lead
Leweston has recently created the new position of Pastoral Lead. Robyn Hintze has joined in this full-time, non-teaching position to provide pupils with someone who can support them with issues such as resilience, pastoral concerns, friendship issues and emotional development. Robin also runs pastoral seminars for parents on topics which range from supporting an anxious teen, to coping with exams and getting enough sleep.