Individualised Learning
At Leweston learning is flexible and is adapted to the needs of all pupils providing high quality, differentiated teaching in class, however, specialist teachers are responsible for providing opportunities for academic extension and supporting those with special education needs or for whom English is a second language.

Academic Extension
Whilst the School’s Scholarship process and academic testing identifies those pupils who may benefit from additional stretch and challenge, the Academic Extension programme is open to all of those who show promise and have an interest in joining.For pupils in Years 7 to 9 the Rhetoric Group meets half termly to work together on a variety of problem-solving tasks, challenges, debates and presentations. In Sixth Form the Head’s Essay Society meet to follow a programme of discussions, debates and tutorials. Pupils of all ages are also encouraged to participate in Science Olympiads, Maths Challenges, Public Speaking, Young Writers’ Competitions and National Theatre Live. Students in Years 10 and 12 also attend the annual Able and Ambitious Conference in the Spring Term.
Learning Support
Leweston’s Individual Needs department supports pupils with literacy, numeracy and study skills, revision strategies, understanding learning styles, essay planning, exam technique, spelling and note taking. The Department’s aim is to help students to become independent, adventurous learners. The Department offers monthly Individual Needs clinics and supervised study periods as well as targeted, one-to-one lessons with a specialist teacher on a weekly or fortnightly basis.

English as an Additional Language
Leweston’s experienced, specialist teachers work with pupils on the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing from beginner to advanced levels. EAL lessons are provided as part of the curriculum as an alternative to studying a Modern Foreign Language and those students who want to extend their skills can have individual or group teaching on a paying basis. There is the option for native speakers to be entered for examinations without tuition. More information about the different EAL pathways is available here.
"Leweston has good knowledge of every pupil as individuals and teaches acceptance of everyone's differences. It is flexible in its approach, enabling every pupil to choose their own path and which subjects to study. "
Current Parent