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The Leweston Learner

The Leweston Learner is an approach to teaching and learning which under-pins our work throughout the School from Nursery to Sixth Form so that all pupils share a common language for learning.


The Leweston Learner is a learning philosophy, not a curriculum with particular content. We believe that there are a set of learning behaviours are the key to raising pupil achievement and progress across the curriculum and beyond. Whilst the programme was developed independently it was inspired by the internationally recognised concept of ‘High Performance Learning’ (HPL). 

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Students, including those in Sixth Form, are taught that by embracing these qualities they can improve every aspect of their lives, not just their academic performance. They learn that they have the ability to control these important qualities and get better at them! We embed the philosophy in all our teaching and learning and ensure that the language of Leweston Learner sits at the heart of every lesson.

As modern employers increasingly seek out individuals with transferable and 'soft' skills. The Learner programme encourages the development of these including complex problem solving, critical thinking, decision making, adaptability, negotiation and cognitive flexibility. 

Reports and rewards focus on the Learner characteristics in order to encourage students to develop these important attributes and to see how and where they are impacting on the learning and behaviour. Students  receive positive feedback for displaying high levels of perseverance; willingness to take a risk and eagerness to seek out challenge, not just for good test results. They are also are encouraged to regularly reflect on their work  and to consider the extent to which they employed the characteristics creating a cycle of continuous improvement.